Thanks for checking out and caring enough about your experience to consider dropping a note! This website depends on visitors like you to give thoughtful ideas for how it can be improved and grown to better serve the community. In fact, nearly every feature on this site exists because a visitor like you shared the initial idea or problem. Lots of folks also ask questions, such as about where they can find more data, and we’re happy to help with what we know. If enough people ask the same question or share the same problem, we’ll think about how we can incorporate it into the site experience. Some folks just send messages of encouragement, which motivate us to keep building! For these reasons, we value every idea and message you send and will do our best to respond to you if you choose to share your email address. (Your email address will not be shared with any third parties and will be used for the sole purpose of responding to your message.)
Barometric pressure matters to lots of people from diverse backgrounds, who follow barometric pressure for many different purposes. We appreciate it if you tell us what you use for, so we can think about how to better accommodate your needs while staying true to our mission of serving anyone who cares about the pressure by providing them with the best information and experience possible.
We are also excited to announce our 2025 rebuild! If you have a moment, please consider taking our 2025 Rebuild Survey to help us shape the future of